JRG Massage

Services & Rates

30 Minute Massage

30 minutes: $55.00

Rejuvenate your day with this 30 minute therapeutic massage. Your therapist will work on a specific area of tension.  For many people this is the shoulders, neck and upper back.  This service is great if you are limited on time or don’t want a full-body massage.

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60 Minute Massage

60 minutes: $90

De-stress and unwind during this full-body massage with medium to firm pressure. This massage will soothe your body and mind, transporting you to a tranquil state of relaxation. It combines oils or lotion with an array of strokes such as rolling, kneading, and percussion to help the body improve its circulation. The benefits of this type of bodywork are wide-ranging and include relief from aches and pains, decreased stress levels in the body, enhanced mental clarity, improved appearance, and greater flexibility. 

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75 Minute Massage

75 minutes: $105

Deep Tissue Massage is a form of bodywork that aims to relieve tension in the deeper layers of tissue in the body. Deep Tissue Massage is a highly effective method for releasing chronic stress areas due to misalignment, repetitive motions, and past lingering injuries. Due to the nature of the deep tissue work, open communication during the session is crucial to make sure you don't get too uncomfortable. Keep in mind that soreness is pretty common after the treatment, and that plenty of water should be ingested to aid with the flushing and removal of toxins that will have been released from the deep tissue during the session.

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90 Minute Massage

90 minutes: $120

Find relief from chronic pain, tension and tightness caused by injury or overworked muscles. This therapeutic massage focuses on specific problem areas, with deep pressure applied during the massage. Your massage therapist will adjust the pressure to accommodate your comfort level. This service is beneficial for those with chronic muscle tension and pain.

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